« “I needn’t ask you, M. Swann, whether a man so much in the movement as yourself has been to the Mirlitons, to see the portrait by Machard that the whole of Paris is running after. Well, and what do you think of it? Whose camp are you in, those who bless or those who curse? It’s the same in every house in Paris now, no one will speak of anything else but Machard’s portrait; you aren’t smart, you aren’t really cultured, you aren’t up-to-date unless you give an opinion on Machard’s portrait.” »
Marcel Proust in Swann’s Side evokes the success of Jules Machard in the dialogue exchanged between Madame Cottard and Swann.
85 drawings from the studio of Jules Machard presented by Drawings-online. Read our focus on the artist.
the drawings are all mounted and can be framed in a flat light oak frame.
Study of a man with his arms raised for "Stabat Mater" by Jules Machard
€650,00 -
Study of a reclining woman with her arms thrown upwards by Jules Machard
€1.200,00 -
Study of Judith by Jules Machard
€900,00 -
Study of a seated angel by Jules Machard
€350,00 -
Study of a young girl with her arms crossed by Jules Machard
Studies of Perseus and Medusa for "The Death of Medusa" by Jules Machard
€450,00 -
Eros bending his bow by Jules Machard
€600,00 -
The eagle and the nude by Jules Machard
€1.200,00 -
Bust study for «Judith» by Jules Machard
€450,00 -
Eros and Death by Jules Machard
€450,00 -
Study of a nude woman by Jules Machard
Study for the "Inspiration of Saint Cecilia" by Jules Machard
€450,00 -
Study for the staircase of the Salle des Maréchaux in the Ministry of War by Jules Machard
Study for the staircase of the Salle des Maréchaux in the Ministry of War by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
Two studies of a nude woman symbolizing the Truth by Jules Machard
€350,00 -
Two portraits by Jules Machard
€150,00 -
Battle scene by Jules Machard
€350,00 -
Two studies of women’s necks by Jules Machard
€450,00 -
Love and Death by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
Eros and a draped woman on the left by Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Love and Death by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
Eros and Death by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
Eros, Lying Woman and Death by Jules Machard
€350,00 -
Eros and Death by Jules Machard
€450,00 -
Eros and Death by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
Eros and Death by Jules Machard
€350,00 -
Two studies of Venus for the ceiling "Psyche returned to Love" by Jules Machard
€350,00 -
Study of a girl with a cape by Jules Machard
€350,00 -
Sketch for the project of the stairs of the salle des Maréchaux by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
Study of a seated young woman by Jules Machard
€350,00 -
Sketch for «l’Amour de la Patrie» by Jules Machard
€150,00 -
Sketch for «The Ecstasy of St. Cecilia» by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
The Levite wife of Ephraim by Jules Machard
€150,00 -
Study of a reclining woman (recto-verso) for the ceiling «Le passage de Vénus» by Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Sketch for «Saint Cecilia Felt Divine Inspiration» by Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Study of Eros and a nude woman by Jules Machard
€300,00 -
Angels’ studies in tondo and a left hand by Jules Machard
€150,00 -
Study for "Angelica tied to the rock" by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
Judith by Jules Machard
Eros and Death by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
Angels’ studies in two tondi by Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Study of Eros by Jules Machard
€300,00 -
Judith par Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Sketch for « Saint Cecilia Felt Divine Inspiration »
€350,00 -
Portrait study of a woman by Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Study for a figure symbolizing Death by Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Study of a woman in dress by Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Study of Eros by Jules Machard
€550,00 -
Angels’ studies in a tondo by Jules Machard
€150,00 -
Portrait of Madame Machard, Ernestine Aléo by Jules Machard
€350,00 -
Study of Putto by Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Study of a man with his arms raised for "Stabat Mater" by Jules Machard
€650,00 -
Study for Psyche and Eros by Jules Machard
€1.200,00 -
Study of Joseph for “The Visitation” by Jules Machard
€650,00 -
Two studies of women for the ceiling “The Passage of Venus” by Jules Machard
€550,00 -
Study of Saint Elizabeth for “The Visitation” by Jules Machard
€650,00 -
Two studies of kneeling nude women by Jules Machard
€550,00 -
Study of head and bust of young man with arm raised by Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Two studies of putto in cartridges on the same mount by Jules Machard
€350,00 -
Study of two raised arms by Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Young Italian woman seated by Jules Machard
€300,00 -
Studies of putti heads by Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Study of the face of Mary for "The Visitation" by Jules Machard
€350,00 -
Study of putto by Jules Machard
€150,00 -
Study of a reclining woman by Jules Machard
€550,00 -
Study of an Angel seen from three quarters by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
Eros and Death by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
Studies of riders in front of an architecture by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
Eros and Death by Jules Machard
€300,00 -
Study of a woman with the right arm in the air by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
Study of a standing woman by Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Draping study for Mary in the “Visitation” by Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Étude de putto par Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Study of a seated woman by Jules Machard
€300,00 -
Angels’ studies with flute for “Psyche rendered to Love” by Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Study of a nude woman from behind with her arms raised by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
Sketch with text by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
Angel study with bow by Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Draping study for the figure in the foreground of the “Visitation” by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
Studies of putti by Jules Machard
€450,00 -
Study of a woman for “The Passage of Venus” by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
Sketch of a nude woman by Jules Machard
€150,00 -
Five studies of Portraits by Jules Machard
€250,00 -
Angel study with bow by Jules Machard
€200,00 -
Study of a woman supported by angels for “Psyche returned to Love” by Jules Machard