Study for an ornamental motif: two putti holding a crown and a shield on a ship, French school from the 18th century


French school, 18th century

Study for an ornamental motif: two putti holding a crown and a shield on a ship

Black chalk.

236 x 209 mm – 9 5/16 x 8 1/4 in

Numbered in pencil on verso lower right: 208.

Our drawing presents a whimsical combination of elements from ships, such as the hull, sail and anchor, with elements taken from nature, such as the frail uprooted tree, birds, fish and shell, forming a hybrid motif, a boat somewhere between an island and a ship, on which two putti are happily frolicking, seeming to have discovered a treasure chest from which they are taking a crown and a shield.


This motif may be preparatory to a cartouche for a book frontispiece or painted decoration. Close to the rocaille style initiated by the ornamentalists Gilles-Marie Oppenord (Paris, 1672-1742) and Juste-Aurèle Meissonnier (Turin, 1695-Paris, 1750), it is also close to the works of Jacques de Lajoüe (Paris, 1686-1761).

This drawing uses elements found in an engraving of a trophy of arms illustrating water from a suite of six pieces numbered Trophées d’armes Moithey l’aîné sculp., Crepy excudit. (Ill.1)

Condition report – slight oxidation stains throughout the sheet.